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Sunday, November 30, 2008

TCC for 11/30/08

The Caretaker's Concern 11/30/08

Lake Temp. 44 F.
Ghetto temp. 41 F.
Island tmp. 34 F. Yesterday's L/H: ?/? F. Temperatures not noted.

Current conditions: Rain, mild wind from the East shore, rare direction for the wind on this part of the lake.




The precipitation rolled in not too long before sundown, it started as snow, eventually turning to a mix of hail and rain. It was a mostly windless day, the Lake was mostly flat, unfortunately the cloud coverage was so thick that the Sun wasn't visible for most of the day. If the sky was open and the sunlight could have shined down on a day like today with no wind it would have been a rather glorious day on the Lake, but it wasn't.

--The Caretaker

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