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Monday, January 5, 2009

TCC for 1/5/09

The Caretaker was expecting to have the time today to be much more expansive in this post, however that is not the case, he is trying to be Island bound but the mainland keeps calling him back. So, in brief for today:
Paddled over to mainland for the day, left wallet on Island, lived without it and spent no money.
While paddling over, the Caretaker realized that instead of focusing on all that he had to do for the day he should focus on what he was doing that very moment as if that is all he has ever done or ever will do. The Caretaker is trying for more balance.
While paddling back to the Island he watched a Bald Eagle fly East towards Dome Island, eventually it alighted upon a tree on Dome.
Just a moment ago the Caretaker heard the ice over in Huddle Bay "sing", it was a long rumbling moan.

--The Caretaker


rio11 said...

i like your philosophy CT

The Caretaker said...

Thanks, hopefully I can put it into practice sooner and not later, it's not on the top of my list of things to do but it is near the top.