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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

TCC for 2/17/09

The Caretaker's Concern 2/17/09

The Caretaker is fully shaved and shorn (bowl cut of course until he can get his head into the hands of a professional for a proper trimming, photo will follow tomorrow).

Total software failure, got to keep it short.
Lake ice quite lively tonight during return walk, doing quite a bit of knocking about.

All photos taken this morning:


Chrisy said...

Hi there you out in the wilderness...stumbled into ur looks beautiful there...

The Caretaker said...

Hello Chrisy,
Thanks for your comment and thanks for checking out my blog. Got a good chuckle from the home economics excerpt posted to your blog, talk about crazy. Saw your Etsy store, nice work.

Anonymous said...

Good golly, the Caretaker without a mane? That's gonna take some getting used to. Good luck with the new look, can't wait to see the pic. We've actually met in person before, you prob. don't remember, VT last Sept. Anyway, Here's lookin' at you,

The Caretaker said...

Hey Rebecca,
Thanks for the comment. You're right, I don't remember, but it's not because I don't remember you it's just that I am terrible with names, much better with faces. Vermont last September would be for B.R.'s 50th, hopefully we'll get the chance to meet up again.

365 Letters said...

Wow! What a beautiful place! I've just been fascinated with your blog and your lifestyle since finding The Caretaker's Concern.

The Caretaker said...

Hey Carla,
Thanks for the comments, expect to get back into the narrative in the next few days.
Finding your blog quite interesting too, if you're interested in a new address to send one of your 365 letters I'd be more than happy to provide you with mine, I'd be sure to reply in kind.
Hope all is well.