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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Caretaker's Concern 3/24/2010

TCC for 3/24/10:

The sky finally cleared by around 11 am today but the wind from the North North West was blowing like it was chased, but at least it was sunny so the Caretaker could fill up on some vitamin D. The following two photos are from today:

This is the last of the Lake ice that piled up on the Island during ice-out, chances are it will be gone by the end of the day tomorrow:

Photos of light on water from 3/23/10, mirrored over and/or cropped in Photoshop:

--The Caretaker


Judy Olson said...

The mirrored images are awesome!

The Caretaker said...

Hey Judy,
Thanks. Sometime soon I'll post the image that started this "concept" for me with an explanation of why.