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Monday, February 11, 2008

TCC for 2/11/08

The Caretaker's Concern 2/11/08
Ghetto temp. 55 F. and steady, mostly.
Island tmp. 16 F. Yesterday's L/H: 10/32 F.
Current conditions: Light East wind from up the Narrows. Clear star filled sky.

Quite a bit of wind today from the North, it has mostly died down now. The night is bright with stars, only about a quarter of the moon is aglow, quite a bit of light but not enough to drown out the brilliance of the stars. The recent cold has been good for the ice, but not so good for the Caretaker's feet, the floor of the Ghetto gets cold and it reaches through his boots. It is but a small price to pay if it means that someday soon he will be able to ski across the ice to the East shore--which will hopefully happen someday soon. Still a large swath of open water off the North East corner of the Island. The Caretaker was originally planning to make his way over to the mainland tomorrow and get behind the wheel of his car (assuming it starts) to take care of some errands, but given the forecast for snow he may hold off until Thursday. Also, much of the ice immediately surrounding the Island is either still a bit dicey or the open water cuts off access to the mainland. Hopefully come tomorrow morning the ice will be more willing to hold.

Not much else to report from here on the Island. In other news, today's Valentine's Day poem is perhaps best described as experimental.

"Sweet My Sweet"

Sweet My Sweet,
How does the wind blow a lilly,
When the heart weeps for a scent
That catches the mind in a dream?

Always across oceans
Love is spent on rings and roses,
Feelings and whispers, serious and silly.

Your love casts a line that reaches deep,
Draws in tight to my heart,
Making feelings complete.

Together we swim in and out of,
Over and under, above and below,
And all around each other
In the eternal joys we reap.

--The Caretaker

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