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Monday, February 25, 2008

TCC for 2/25/08

The Caretaker's Concern 2/25/08
Ghetto temp. 52 F. and rising.
Island tmp. 28 F. Yesterday's L/H: 12/27 F.
Current conditions: Mostly clear night, light bit of haze, rather dark. Mild wind from the South.

Mostly an uneventful day for the Caretaker, which is a good thing, his trip to Albany came off without a hitch, more or less. It was a two Martini lunch with S. and friends, when the Caretaker got back to the office his coworkers were a touch less than pleased with his performance at the monthly meeting, but the Caretaker doesn't care what the board thinks. Office politics, who needs 'em? Then again, when the board consists of a member of one, the office politics are rather easy to manage. Overall not much to report, the Caretaker pretty much spent the entire day on the mainland. However, he did score 105 pounds of propane, that should keep the Ghetto warm for awhile.

Today's top photo was taken at night with the use of a flashlight, the technic is called "painting with light", at least the is what the Caretaker read in a photography magazine awhile back. Weather report calls for a good amount of snow tomorrow--goody, goody, gumdrops. If all goes well the Caretaker will be skiing around on the East shore come Wednesday. Then again, most of the weather reports for this area this season have been less than accurate. So, tomorrow will be what tomorrow will be.

--The Caretaker

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