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Thursday, February 7, 2008

TCC for 2/7/08

The Caretaker's Concern 2/7/08
Ghetto temp. 52 F. and rising.
Island tmp. 26 F. Yesterday's L/H: 24/36 F.
Current conditions: Light snow, medium to large flakes. Little to no wind.

It was a decent snow fall last night, however the wind was such that much of the snow was blown right off the Island. Although a considerable amount of snow did remain, x-c skiing on the Island is not yet an option, there are still a number spots that are too thin of snow--a complete loop of a usable size is yet to be had.

The blowing wind has opened up the Ice between here and Clay. The wind has been blowing from the Narrows for the past few days at such a sustained force that the Caretaker is somewhat surprised that much more of the ice has not broken up. Eventually the wind died down today, hopefully it will stay away with the coming cold temperatures so all this open water will freeze over again.

This dark water glares out of the surrounding bright snow covered ice like a gash, and the wound seems to be only getting bigger. Hopefully the cold will come soon, hopefully it will be deep, hopefully it will reach into the water and heal it over with a thick layer of ice.

--The Caretaker

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