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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

TCC for 3/26/08

The Caretaker's Concern 3/26/08
Ghetto temp. 58 F. and steady.
Island tmp. 41 F. Yesterday's L/H: 31/42 F.
Current conditions:

Most of the morning was rather blustery so the Caretaker stayed inside the Ghetto to work on some paper work. At around Noon there was some hail or sleet or something. Whatever it was the Caretaker did not go outside and look but he sure could hear it coming down on the roof of the Ghetto. Eventually the wind abated come the afternoon, at around 3 o'clock the Caretaker noticed that the sun was out so he decided to do some outside work. More cutting up of the branches that came down in the wind storm a few weekends back. However, last night the wind was gusting pretty good and so more branches came down, most of the dropped branches have been from the White Pines. If these high winds keep up the pines will be stripped of all their branches. That would be bad, very bad indeed.

--The Caretaker

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