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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

TCC for 4/15/08

The Caretaker's Concern 4/15/08
Lake Temp. 38.5 F.
Ghetto temp. 54F. and dropping
Island tmp. 51 F. Yesterday's L/H: 38/58.5 F.
Current conditions: clear sky, little to no wind

Ah the Moon, waxing its way towards this month's bloom on the 20th. April's full Moon is the "Grass Moon". Why it has this name the Caretaker knows not, but such ignorance won't keep the Caretaker from enjoying this month's full Moon, only the clouds can do that. Pretty soon the Caretaker will begin performing his Full Moon Dance. Much like a rain dance, but instead of trying to bring clouds with rain; the Full Moon Dance encourages the dispersal of clouds and rain. Maybe someday the Caretaker will film the Full Moon Dance and put it up on Youtube, then again, maybe not.

--The Caretaker

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