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Friday, January 16, 2009

TCC 1/16/09

The Caretaker's Concern 1/16/09

Ghetto temp. 48 F.
Island tmp. .5 F. Today's L/H: -4/8 F.

Current conditions: Mostly clear night, mild wind from somewhere.

Today's report will be posted tomorrow but more likely Sunday because based on the Caretaker's schedule for tomorrow he's not likely to be back to the Island in time to post to his blog for Saturday. Have a good weekend.

--The Caretaker





Anonymous said...

when a pressure ridge forms does it make noise. Looking at them i surmise they create a thunderous noise.

The Caretaker said...

Hey Anon,
Sorry I am so late in getting back to your question, pressure ridges can create a tremendous amount of noise when they form. Sometimes pressure cracks will shake the foundation of the Ghetto.
Thanks for your question.