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Friday, October 1, 2010

The Caretaker's Concern for 10/1/2010

TCC for 10/1/10:

Not long after yesterday's post the rain picked up something fierce, and went all night long. Wouldn't be surprised if after the run-off the Lake is near flood stage.
No new photos, more photos of flowers from the King's Garden at Fort Ticonderoga:

In other news, last night, the Caretaker finished transcribing S.'s printed manuscript into a digital file, if all goes well S. will get back into this project and finish what he started. Quite a good beginning for a memoir that's just waiting for completion.

The Caretaker just figured out how to embed hyper-links in his blog, which means he is going to start promoting other artist's work much more aggressively, feel free to contact the Caretaker about your art with appropriate web-links for him to post to his blog.

So... Speaking of books, a friend of the Caretaker's published a memoir about his experiences teaching in an inner-city high school in New Jersey.

MISTA by John J. Kaminski
ISBN: 978-1-4520-3132-3

It's a good read.

The book is available at and not mention a number of bookstores.

For more information on the book there is a facebook page:

If you buy the book (and open it), you will see that the Caretaker is listed on the "Acknowledgements" page which is a first for the Caretaker.

Before there was the blog the Caretaker sent out posts via e-mail, the following is from the Caretaker's second year of living year round on the Island:

IR 8/3/07

Today's photo was taken back in June.

--The Caretaker

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