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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Caretaker's Concern for 10/12/2010

TCC for 10/12/2010:

Nothing to report from the day, cold and windy as per usual during the Autumn, the Caretaker is currently waiting for the wind to die down so he can take a shower without freezing to pieces. Two photos from today at sundown:

Before there was the blog the Caretaker sent out posts via e-mail, the following is from the Caretaker's second year of living year round on the Island:

IR For the week of 9/3/07-9/7/07

The Caretaker is still having problems with "interneting", something he hopes to get straightened out soon, it has been mostly catch as catch can with regards to getting on to the "internets". So, since he has managed to get on-line today, he has decided to just send out all of this week's photos in one shot.

Hopefully you will see something you enjoy.
If all goes well, which is not likely, the Caretaker will be able get this all sorted out by next week.

In the meantime the Caretaker would also like to take this time apologize to all of you who have e-mailed, he would like to respond to your e-mails but his "internets" goes so excruciatingly slow that he could mail you a letter in less time. Well, come to think of it, maybe not a letter but a postcard, hm...

Have a good rest of the week.

--The Caretaker

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