The Caretaker's Concern can be blamed on Wreck-Loose Island Publishing.
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Caretaker's Concern for 10/28/2010

TCC for 10/28/10:

The Caretaker will be on hiatus until sometime next week (except for a Halloween post, 10/31/10).

No report, just photos.

Before there was the blog the Caretaker sent out posts via e-mail, the following is from the Caretaker's second year of living year round on the Island:

IR for third week of November, 2007.

No report, just photos.

--The Caretaker


Laura said...

¡Wonderful photos! ¿May I borrow some por my blog?
Bst rgds

The Caretaker said...

Greetings Laura,
Which photos are you interested in borrowing for your blog?
Best Regards,
Jeff Moore