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Saturday, February 16, 2008

TCC for 2/16/08

The Caretaker's Concern 2/16/08
Ghetto temp. 45 F. and steady.
Island tmp. 18 F. Yesterday's L/H: 14/32 F.
Current conditions: Still clear night.

The Caretaker spent much of the day inside the Ghetto doing further work on his portfolio. It was a mostly sunny day, but a bit of wind at times. Come the night the wind stopped and the sky remained clear. The Moon was out and bright, if there was more snow on the ice it would have been a great night for a moonlit ski. Conversely, if there was less snow on the ice it would have been a great night for ice skating by moonlight. It's looking like the Caretaker will have to clear off some snow to create a ice rink so he can go skating, maybe after the coming rain passes.

--The Caretaker

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