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Monday, April 28, 2008

TCC for 4/28/08

The Caretaker's Concern 4/28/08
Lake Temp. 40 F.
Ghetto temp. 50 F. and dropping.
Island tmp. 49 F. Yesterday's L/H: 49.5/62 F.
Current conditions: Wind from the Narrows, up to 5 mph, total cloud coverage, off and on rain, cold.

It was an overcast morning, and overcast day, the rain came at around 10 am. The rain is needed, the rain is good; the cold, not so much. Cool rainy days are good for Earl Grey or Jasmine, so the Caretaker had a cup of both. Across the water on the Western shore the Caretaker spotted the first blooms of a white flower that shows itself on a bush of sorts, the flower only lasts for a week of so, the name of which the Caretaker cannot recall but he does know that it is highly prized by S. Hopefully it will still be in bloom come the opening of the Island for the Summer.

The Caretaker did a bit of pole walking just as the rain started, only light drips, figured it would be good to provide the lawn with more aeration. Come the afternoon the wind abated but the rain kept a steady drizzle, the Caretaker thought about going for a canoe in the rain, then thought not; thought it would be fun, then thought it wouldn't be: a touch cold for his current tastes.

C. had mentioned the use of the Strawberry infusion recipe for a Mint Julep, perhaps bourbon would work well too, then there is also the Cuban rum drink, Mohito, perhaps that would also do nicely.

--The Caretaker


Ms M said...

Thanks for your poetic comment on my blog. Your photos are stunning! My husband went to college at Bard in Annondale; he said some of your photos reminded him of scenes along the Hudson.
Perhaps someday your photos and musings will become a book...

The Caretaker said...

Glad you like the photos, thanks for the compliment. A book? Perhaps someday. The Hudson is but a hop-skip-jump from here, relatively speaking.
Your Husband might be interested in the work of Nick Zungoli, he shoots a lot in the lower Hudson Valley:

Like your frog shot.

Xuminu said...

Hey! What's up men? Thanks for your comment on my blog... and pardon by my english.
It can return when you wants!

Have you an interesting blog... great photos! Are you profesional photographer?

Greetings from Figueres (Girona, Catalunya)!

Pau "Xuminu"

Me said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, and give me the opportunite to find your blog.
It is very poetic and where you are it's so different from where I am (Florida).
Many years ago, a boyfriend of mine got a job as a lighthouse caretaker in the north of Brazil. He went alone, I wasn't sure if I will be happy there. Never heard from him again.


The Caretaker said...
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The Caretaker said...
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The Caretaker said...

Xuminu, no worries on your English. Glad you like my blog and photos, thanks for the compliment. Am I a professional photographer in that people I don't know want to buy my "work"? Not really.

The Caretaker said...

Me, Thanks for visiting my blog, glad you like it, thanks for the compliment. Looking forward to seeing more on your blog.