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Sunday, June 1, 2008

TCC for 6/1/08

The Caretaker will start posting text again to his blog beginning tomorrow.

The Caretaker forgot to mention that he has put up a new post on his other blog, The Caretaker's Travels, this past week's field trip was up Shelving Rock, in addition to photos there is also a video of the trip on the post. For those of you who haven't been up Shelving Rock in a long while, you might want to check out the video, it's at the bottom of the post (footage of the entire hike).

For those of you who have never seen Shelving Rock but have already seen the latest post on TCT, the following photo is of Shelving Rock.


lola coca-cola said...

The Caretaker might be interested to know that some people might think it's creepy to refer to one's self in the third person. But then again, he never seemed to give much of a crap what other people thought, so that's ok too! And awesome.

The Caretaker said...

Hey L. Thanks for the comment. You are not the first person to make mention of my use of the third person, and I suppose I should probably provide an explanation. Before this blog, I was sending out daily e-mails with photos and text to a whole bunch of people beginning in January 2007, these were written in the third person to create a persona that would provide a bit of leeway for making the daily write-ups a bit more interesting (or at least try to be more interesting). When I switched to this blog, initially I was planning to switch to the first person, but then it ocurred to me not to.