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Saturday, January 10, 2009

TCC for 1/10/09

The Caretaker's Concern 1/10/09

Lake Temp. No more Lake temperature report, Lake george is frozen.
Ghetto temp. 31 F.
Island tmp. 16 F. Today's L/H: 12/18 F.

Current conditions: Snowing, white-out conditions, wind from the Narrows, about 5 mph.

Lake iced over today, not pure black ice but close enough, unfortunately the current snowfall will most likely render the ice useless for skating tomorrow, however, since it is rather cold out the Caretaker is hoping that the snow will not stick to the ice but instead blow away. Plenty more to share about today but will have to wait until tomorrow.

All photos for this post are from today.

--The Caretaker


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