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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Caretaker's Concern for 11/2/2010

TCC for 11/2/10:

No photos, no report, the Caretaker will be on hiatus until sometime next week.

Before there was the blog the Caretaker sent out posts via e-mail, the following is from the Caretaker's second year of living year round on the Island:

IR for 12/17/2007:

Weather reports call for a possibility of power outages from the coming snow storm, thankfully I have at least gotten far enough along on my winter preparations for living comfortably with no power, however, if there is no power I obviously would not be able to send out an e-mail so I decided I should send these photos off now.
Sorry I can't spend more time writing more but the more I can get done before the snow hits the better.

--The Caretaker

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