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Monday, April 12, 2010

The Caretaker's Concern for 4/12/2010

TCC for 4/12/2010

Recent photos from the archive.



Before there was the blog the Caretaker sent out posts via e-mail, the following is from the Caretaker's second winter on the Island:


Outside temp: 20 F.
Ghetto temp: 60 F.
Wind: 10 MPH gusting to 15
Sky: Mildly dense cloud coverage
Precipitation: None
Ice Condition: Thick enough to ice skate out to Dome Island

Last night was a great night for some cross country skiing in the cove between the Island and Sloop Island, set up a gas lantern on a tripod and had much fun. Granted it was not a large area to ski on but not having x-c skied for over a year now it was quite the good time.
This morning after breakfast the Caretaker went ice skating for about an hour. A bit of healthy exercise going into the wind, but coming back was all down hill. Such great fun I thought about skating all the way to Lake George Village so I could ride the wind back. This was quickly ruled out, the last time I tried such a stunt I was in a sailboat in the dark, it capsized and then I almost got run over by motorboat. Perhaps when the ice has become a foot thick I will try such an adventure, besides it will definitely be safer--there will be no motorboats to run me over.
Today is bonus photo day, because of all the new recipients I decided it would be the thing to do.

P.S. I have just added a large number of people to the mailing list. After having made mention of this new project to some people who were not receiving it and based on their desire to want to be added to the list, I decided that perhaps others would want to be on the list too. So, to make things easier for me, I just went through my personal contact list and added everyone.

For some of you this was sent to multiple e-mail addresses, if some are defunct and/or you would prefer that it only goes to one of those addresses, please reply to this e-mail with only the address you would like this sent to.

Also, if you would prefer not to receive these e-mails please respond to this e-mail with "Remove" in the subject line of your e-mail.
Lastly, if you know of anyone else who you think would like to receive these e-mails please pass on their e-mail address to me, thank you.

P.P. S. You might be wondering what this is, well, I am too. I started it on January 26th, 2007 which was the beginning of ice-in here on Lake George. Every day since I have been sending out an e-mail with a daily photo and a bit of info on the weather and condition of the ice. Where this will go time will only tell. I have a feeling that after a while Lake photos will get a bit tiresome, in light of that possibility I might at some point share some photos of the interior life of the Caretaker and how he gets by for 6 months with no running water or central heat. I may also end up just taking photos of my feet, who knows? I also don't know if I will be interested in keeping up with this everyday, well whatever the case may be, we'll find out when we get there.

P.P.P.S. Just to insure that everyone is up to speed, I am living on an Island on Lake George in New York State. This is where all the daily photos will be taken from. The island is about an acre in size, and I am the only one currently inhabiting it. During the summer months when all the normal people are here, i.e. the owners and their guests, I hang around as the Caretaker. In the winter months no one is here except me, thus, I am not normal, but I suppose to all those who know me, this would be quite an understatement to say the least. Anyway, special thanks goes to the owners who have been most gracious to allow me to reside here on their Island for the past winter and this present one. Essentially last winter was a bust as far snow and ice, however this winter is proving to be much better as far as snow and ice go.
Until tomorrow, Jeff


--The Caretaker

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